Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Blog Post #6


     Video streaming services have been on the rise for a while now.  The first video streaming platform was in 2007 and was actually called 'Live Stream'.  It was started the trend of live streaming platforms to begin with.  Video live streaming was really popularized by YouTube in 2008 with its feature.  These services really promoted the idea of real-time video streaming and live feedback.  It was promoted to bring communities closer together with being able to communicate more lively.  Some examples of popular live streaming platforms include Twitch (,  Periscope (, as well as many other platforms, sites, and apps.  Some streaming services have extra aspects to them such as rewards systems, live location sharing, and other interactive features.  For example, I know that Twitch has a reward system where you can earn points by watching and interacting with certain users for periods of time.  

     One great thing about video streaming services is that there is so much more interactivability due to it being live.  There is a live chat that allows for real-time feedback as opposed to a comments section on let's say a static YouTube video.  This, in effect, creates a greater sense of community between streamers and their viewers.  Because of this, these people, including the streamers/creators themselves are more easily approachable.  

     However, being easily approachable can also lead to some downsides.  One issue with this can be bad relationships that may form between.  Anyone can be a streamer on a wide variety of these platforms with little to no experience.  As a result, you get some immature and toxic users streaming and rallying up a different group of followers.  

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