Thursday, April 1, 2021

Blog Post #3

 Promote Tolerance

Promoting tolerance is a value of free expression that I think everyone should take some time to think about.  This has become a problem in several areas of work and expression.  In many cases, some people stop engaging in constructive ways when there are opposing views.  It divides the workflow of ideas and doesn't help in working constructively.  Conflicts can arise if people can't agree to disagree and debate in constructive ways.

Promote Innovation

I think that promoting innovation is important because it really helps us move forward as a society.  I think one key idea to keep in mind is that we should all be very open to new ideas and discoveries.  It also helps to build trust within one's team, which will aid in the idea process of each individual team member and of the group as a whole.  As long as we can collectively bring together ideas, it will lead to more progress and, eventually, move us farther along. 

Protect Dissent

It is interesting that the government would further protect the minority's beliefs and I liked learning more about it in class.  For example, if 95% of the school believed one thing and 5% believed the opposite, that 5% would be supported as if not even more.  

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