Sunday, May 2, 2021

Blog Post #10

 The Sherman Anti-Trust Act

For my second EOTO, my group and I covered Policy.  I specifically talked about the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890.  The Anti-Trust Act was a legislation put forward by the United States Congress in hopes to restrain concentrations of power that interfere with trade and reduce economic competition.  It also was enacted in attempt to monopolize any and all parts of commerce in the United States.  As a result of this happening, it invalidates many from having a place in the market and economy.  

The Anti-Trust Act was named for U.S. Senator John Sherman.  He was a politician from the state of Ohio during the American Civil War.  He was also an expert on the regulation of commerce which makes a great deal of sense as it pertains to the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.  

I think that one of the most important things to point out about the Sherman Anti-Trust Act is that it was not aimed at stopping the healthy monopolies and healthy competition.  These healthy ones actually contributed dividends to the economy.  It was more aimed to target those that resulted from attempts to dominate the marketplace.  

When the Sherman Anti-Trust Act was first passed, it proved to be quite popular and it signified an important change in American strategy towards markets and business.  However, the Anti-Trust Act was passed during a time of high tensions, where there was a lot of public hostility.  Specifically, there was alot of hostility towards large corporations that were taking alot of economic space.  A great example of this was the American Railway Union, which was unfairly monopolizing in several industries.  Now this wasn't uncommon for railroad companies but this was a big one and the fact still stands strong.  The American Railway Union and other large corporations that were doing this caused economic problems for many.  Consumers had to deal with high prices, and competitors were shut out of the market, some of which were shut so completely that they didn't bounce back.  

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