Wednesday, March 24, 2021

My Top Five Sources of News and Info


YouTube is my first source of information.  I love using YouTube to watch videos in my free time or for work, for entertainment or for helpful guides and information.  I use YouTube all the time for gaming content, for music, for art, and for educational purposes.  In addition, I am also a creator on YouTube myself, where I create music performance videos as well as gaming content.  I will put a link to my channel below this in case anyone would like to check it out.  

My YouTube channel


Twitter is my second source of information.  I enjoy using twitter to look at posts from friends, people, and brands that I follow.  I am not very active on Twitter myself but I have occasionally put some pictures on there mainly just to keep a log for myself.  I don't think it's the greatest platform to use in terms of news but it's definitely up there where it counts. 

Family and Friends

I consider my family and friends a large source of how I get information and news.  Even by just existing around them, conversations automatically start and information gets stored.  Since friends and family are typically groups of people you agree with and/or are fond of, you tend to agree with alot of what they say and believe, especially if you are unfamiliar with the material being discussed.  


This is last on my list because I barely use Facebook.  However, I have an account and profile but I do not post at all.  I occasionally go on to this platform to browse posts from a couple groups I follow as well as the HPU Marching Band page.

Final Blog Post

 The Relationship with Social Media           Social Media has been on the rise for years and years now and it's become more of a double...